Marpole Neighbourhood House Annual General Meeting

With Musqueam Speaker: Shane Pointe

Dear member, we are excited to invite you, as a voting member, to our second Annual General Meeting on November 17, 2021!

Time: 5:00PM - 6:30PM
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Place: Online (Zoom)*

*In-person attendance available at Marpole NH for those with no access to Zoom

Marpole Neighbourhood House

8585 Hudson Street, West 70th Avenue,

in the heart of Musqueam territory.


Musqueam Speaker

Shane Pointe

Shane Pointe is a proud member of the Salish Nation, Pointe Family and equally proud member of the Musqueam Indian Band. Shane has worked over the past fifty years helping Indigenous students in four different school districts and for 10 years provided support for Indian residential school survivors. He has provided advice and support to the federal government, provincial government and municipal governments as well. Shane continues to provide emotional spiritual and ceremonial support to family friends and others.

His motto is Nutsamaht! (We are one)



Please register by phone at 604-628-5663 or by email at

You can access our 2020-2021 Annual Report here: Annual Report 2020-2021