Welcome to Marpole Neighbourhood House's newest addition – our Child Care and Early Years Learning Centre, nestled atop DLG Elementary School! We're thrilled to offer a nurturing space for the little ones in our vibrant community.
Our centre fosters emergent, reflective, and collaborative growth, tailoring learning journeys for our youngest members. Here's a glimpse of what we offer:
Infants (0-18 months)
Operating Hours: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Toddlers (18 months - 3 years)
Operating Hours: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
3-5 Years Old
Half-Day Program: 8:00 AM - 2:45 PM
Full-Day Program: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
After School Care
Operating Hours: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Exciting Update: A new, streamlined childcare waitlist application and registration system is coming soon to all to the Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC including Marpole Neighbourhood House. Please note that during this short transition time we are not currently accepting new applications. The new system will be open soon so stay tuned for more details!
Click Here for the Family Handbook
Click Here for the Fee Schedule
In partnership with Marpole Neighbourhood House and the Association of Neighbourhood Houses MNH Childcare’s vision is to provide the highest quality of care while honouring children, families and staff as collaborators in the program.
Children Need to Be Celebrated For Who They Are Today
It is our belief that children flourish in an environment where they can freely and naturally learn through play. We value that each child develops at their own pace and we celebrate children for who they are today. Children are autonomous, capable and active participants in their daily routines, care and learning environment.
Children Can Be Risk Assessors Too
Risky Play is a form of play that is thrilling and exciting. Through the process of risk-taking children are learning diverse ways to solve problems, learn what they are capable of and what future goals they have to strive for, thus promoting pride and empowerment. Our goal is to keep children as safe as necessary, not as safe as possible.
Children and Educators Are Equal Partners in Their Learning
Children and educators work and learn together as researchers and collaborators. We value children as decision makers, we listen, and program together inviting in families and the community around us. Our programming will reflect our current learning journeys and we document them through several medians including photos, written word, storytelling, materials made by the children and videos. We return to our learning to reflect and extend. Our plannings scaffold, expand and challenge over time.
We Acknowledge Children as Capable, Unique, Active Learners.
They are creative, curious, natural explorers, playful, competent, capable of complex thinking, and rich in potential as contributors to society. Each room provides play based emergent, reflective, collaborative activities that are responsive to a wide range of abilities and needs while promoting relationships and relationship building with all children, adults, and the world around us. We use methods of planning known as ‘Responsive Curriculum’ and ‘Pedagogical Narrations’ inspired by the BC ELF, Te Whariki/New Zealand and Reggio Emilia Approach. Our activities are co-constructed by children and educators through observing interests, questions and wonderings of children and educators over time.
Everyone is Welcome
A Neighbourhood House is an open and inviting space for us all to feel at home in our community. Our educators work hard to create inclusive programs for the children and their families by promoting respectful, open conversations and a welcoming, supportive environment for everyone in our diverse community. We welcome all children, families, and staff regardless of race, religion, national
origin, gender, sexual orientation, or family marital status. We do not tolerate discrimination.
Leaning into Truth and Reconciliation and Decolonized Practice
Rooted in our values and principles, Marpole Neighbourhood House strives to be an open place that promotes sincere and challenging conversations around reconciliation and decolonization, aiming at building relationships, knowledge and initiatives that create collective practices in the search for our true accountability to these territories. Children growing up in Vancouver are learning the value, history and local influences of the land they are occupying.
Priority Groups
Child Care Policy intent is to maximize access to child care for those families living and/or working in the community. MNH Child Care has priority groups within the community. All vacancies are filled considering policies and commitments to those priority groups and in compliance with licensing regulations. In addition consideration is given to the child’s age at the time of offer and in some cases the birth year. All programs are filled to capacity and families currently enrolled are required to provide one calendar months notice of withdrawal, effective the first day of the month. Priority groups are as follows:
1. Internal transfers – children already enrolled and moving to the next age group.
2. Sibling Priority (enrolled in MNH)- The intent of the sibling policy is to help families keep children together and to minimize drop off and pick up challenges.
3. Sibling Priority (enrolled in DLG)
4. Children residing in DLG catchment: (Oak to Ganville/ SW Marine to 57th
5. Children residing in Marpole Neighbourhood.
6. The Broader Community
7. If you are unclear of your eligibility, please contact the main child care office to discuss
8. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that MNH has current contact information for the family. If a family cannot be reached, the child’s waiting list file will be closed.
Children are placed on the appropriate list based on the child’s current age and type of care the parents requested, spaces are offered when a place is available, if your child ages out of original request their original application date is honoured, regardless of the child’s age at the time of application.
If you are offered a space and decline it, you will have the option of removing yourself from the waitlist completely or being back on it as that date as the new application date. There is a high risk that there will not be spaces available when you do want care.
If you cancel after accepting an offer for care, your application will be terminated, and all deposits are non-refundable. You may reapply to the waiting list and will be given a new application date.
For all childcare inquiries please contact Childcare Manager: shannon.heighes@marpolenh.org